Fit & report#

Preparing the run card#

In order to run a fit, we first need to prepare a run card. An example of such a run card can be found in the following folder. Essentially, there are two main important keys in the run card which specify the data sets to be included and the fitting parameters.

The specifications regarding the data sets are stored in the experiment key in which one needs to specify the data set name and the training fraction as follows:

- {dataset: BEBCWA59_F2, frac: 0.75}
- {dataset: BEBCWA59_F3, frac: 0.75}

The details regarding the fit instead are stored in the fit_parameters key. Generally, it has the following structure:

  epochs: 100000
  stopping_patience: 20000
  units_per_layer: [70, 55, 40, 20, 20]
  activation_per_layer: [tanh, tanh, tanh, tanh, selu]
    optimizer: Adam
    clipnorm: 0.00001
    learning_rate: 0.05
  val_chi2_threshold: 4
      f2nu  : [0.25, 2.0]
      flnu  : [0.25, 2.0]
      xf3nu : [0.25, 2.0]
      f2nub : [0.25, 2.0]
      flnub : [0.25, 2.0]
      xf3nub: [0.25, 2.0]

If one wants to compute the \(\chi^2\) of datasets that were not included in the fit, then the list of such datasets need to be included in the check_chi2_experiments key:

- {dataset: CDHSW_F2, frac: 0.75}
- {dataset: CDHSW_F3, frac: 0.75}


These datasets can be included in the runcard even after postfit given that they are mainly useful for the report.

Perform a fit#

To run a fit, one can simplify type the following commands:

nnu fit run ${PATH_RUNCARD} ${REPLICA_ID} [-d ${OUTPUT_PATH}]

An example of a runcard to perform a fit is runcards/fit_runcard.yml.

This will generate inside a folder RUNCARD_NAME folders called replica_${REPLICA_ID} which in turn contain tensorflow models that can be used to generate predictions. In general, one needs to run the above command for REPLICA_ID={1, ..., n}.


A pre-trained model is available in the following link if the user wants to skip the training part and directly wants to generate predictions.

Post-fit selection#

If needed, one can perform a post-selection on the replicas generated from the fit. For instance, one can only select replicas whose \(\chi^2\) values are below some thresholds. Below is an example in which we only select replicas with \(\chi^2_{\rm tr}\) and \(\chi^2_{\rm vl}\) below 3:

nnu fit postfit ${RUNCARD_NAME} -t '{"tr_max": 3, "vl_max": 3}'

This will generate inside RUNCARD_NAME a folder called postfit which contains the replicas that satisfy the selection criteria.

Generate a fit report#

Using the trained model, we can generate a report containing the summary of the \(\chi^2\) values and the comparisons between the experimental data sets and the NNSFν predictions. To generate the report just run the following command:

nnu report generate ${RUNCARD_NAME}/postfit -t "<Title>" -a "<author>" -k "<keyword>"

This will generate a folder called output inside RUNCARD_NAME which contains an index.html summarizing the results. The html file can then be opened on a browser. If postfit was not run in the previous step, simply remove /postfit in the command above.

Store NνSF predictions as LHAPDF#

For future convenience, the NNSFν predictions can be stored as LHAPDF grids. The structure functions have the following LHAPDF IDs:









\(\langle F_2 \rangle\)

\(\langle F_L \rangle\)

\(\langle xF_3 \rangle\)











The LHAPDF set can be generated using the following command:

nnu fit dump_grids ${RUNCARD_NAME}/postfit -a ${A_VALUE} -o ${SET_NAME} [-q '{"min": 1e-3, "max": 500, "num": 100}]'


As before, the user can choose the ranges of \(x\) and \(Q^2\) from which the predictions will be generated. By default, the \(Q^2\) range is defined to be between \([10^{-3}, 500]\). This range is chosen based on the \(Q^2\) values included in the fit through both the experimental and Yadism pseudo data.